Traveling from hut to hut
Těšínské Beskydy stands out above other mounain areas with a large concentration of tourist huts. You can find over two dozen of them here! No matter which mountain you go to you can be sure that an open hut with refreshments awaits you.
Through the Silesian Beskydy along the Czech-Polish border - 23 km Nýdek square - Čantoryje (lookout tower and tourist hut) - Beskydek (polish Swiatowid hut) - Velký Stožek (polish tourist hut) - Bukovec.
Velký Stožek - https://stozek.com.pl/
Circuit through three cottages - 15 - 16 km, Košařiska (Milíř) - Ostrý (tourist hut) - Kamenitý (tourist hut) - take the forest path to the left back to Košařiska. The route can be extended by Kozubová tourist hut.
Ostrý tourist hut - http://www.chataostry.cz/
Long crossing with cableway - 34 km, Třinec Oldřichovice - cableway to Javorový (tourist hut) - Kamenná chata Velký Polom (tourist hut) - Severka (tourist hut) - Skalka (tourist hut) - Mosty u Jablunkova (train, bus)
Skalka tourist hut - https://www.chata-skalka.cz/
To Skalka - 12 km, Mosty u Jablunkova - Skalka (tourist hut) - Severka (tourist hut) - Kamenná chata Velký Polom - Mosty u Jablunkova