Historic Fortification Velká Šance
Jablunkovské šance is a typical example of the fortification of a mountain pass. It is a unique fortification monument, which has no comparable analogy not only in the Czech Republic.
The fortification system built on the southern and southeastern border of Silesia from the 16th to the 19th century is located on the territory of three countries – Czechia, Slovakia and Poland, especially in the vicinity of the Jablunkov Pass (551 – 605 m a.s.l.). Since prehistoric times, a trade route has led here, which in the Middle Ages was called the copper path for the predominant trade in copper transported from the Upper Hungarian mines through Silesia to the whole of Europe. The fortress Velká Šance constitutes a central point in the fortification system.
Fortification visitor center in Mosty u Jablunkova offers comprehensive information about Velká Šance fortress and the entire Jablunkovské šance.
- You will see how Velká Šance looked like in 1809
- Why was it standing here?
- Who served here
- You will see what tools and weapons the crew used
- You can shoot a mini model cannon
- You will see how Velká Šance looks like today
Book a quide tour of the Velká Šance fortress.
Address: Mosty u Jablunkova 1165, 73998 Mosty u Jablunkova
Web.: www.opevneni-sance.cz
Phone: +420 596 412 068.
E-mail: sancenc@gotic.cz