Archeopark Chotěbuz
Visit one of the most important prehistoric and medieval monuments of Těšínské Slezsko.
This archaeological site is located near Český Těšín not far from the border with Poland. Already in prehistoric times a settlement grew here which was replaced a few hundred years later by a walled medieval castle. The Archeopark area contains replicas of objects in which people lived in prehistoric times and the Middle Ages. The outdoor area is accessible from April to October while the exhibition in the entrance building is open all year round.
Around 40 km from Jablunkov.
Address: Archeopark Chotěbuz-Podobora, Karvinská 455, 735 61 Chotěbuz
Web: www.archeoparkchotebuz.cz
Phone: +420 552 309 133 (informations, orders and reservations)
E-mail: archeopark@muzeumct.cz