The Devil´s Mills rock formation
Below hill Gírová there are mysterious "Devil´s Mills". It is a group of rocks with caves that are now filled in. According to legends brigands were hiding during the Jánošík period. In another period the rocks served to devils who intended to "grind" disobedient people here in their stone mills. Witches also regulary flew over here and perhaps even landed.
Access is possible from Gírová tourist hut.
We enter the forest along the unmarked path around the camp fire and continue along the path to the rocks. After the tour we continue along the path in the same direction (from the tourist hut) over the rocks until we reach the green tourist sign near the former ski lift.
You can walk to Gírová along two hiking routes. Follow the red tourist sign from the station in Mosty u Jablunkova (lenght 5 km) or from Bukovec (lenght 2 km). From Jablunkov following the green tourist sign (lenght 7 km). You can get from Gírová to Trojmezí in easternmost village of Czechia - Hrčava.